ICA 2016 Buenos Aires – September 5-9

This is an update on the 22nd International Congress of Acoustics, ICA 2016,  to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 5 to 9th September (http://www.ica2016.org.ar/).   Your society is a member of the International Commission on Acoustics and the Congress is held only every third year so we encourage you to consider attending this ICA 2016.

ICA 2016 is being organized by the FIA and the Argentinean Acousticians Association (AdAA), in cooperation with the Chilean Acoustical Society (SOCHA), under the endorsement of the International Commission for Acoustics. The X Ibero-American Federation of Acoustics Congress, incorporating the XIV Argentinean Congress of Acoustics and the XXVI Meeting of the Brazilian Acoustical Society will be held jointly with the ICA 2016. Furthermore, it has the official sponsorship of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), and the National Council of Acoustical Consultants (NCAC).

The ICA2016 covers all areas of acoustics and provides a unique opportunity to meet and discuss acoustics and both to renew and to form new international collaborations.   The plenary lectures deal with five emergent and broad fields of acoustics:

  • From acoustic simulation to virtual auditory displays, by Prof. Michael Vorlander
  • Hearing Protectors: State of the Art and Emerging Technologies of Comfort and Uncertainty in Measurements, by Prof. Samir Gerges
  • How the brain makes sense of complex auditory scenes, by Prof. Barbara Shinn-Cunningham
  • On the perspective of underwater acoustic tomography for probing ocean currents in shallow-water environments, by Prof. Chen-Fen Huang
  • Understanding music perception from the perspective of oscillation and resonance, by Prof. Frank Russo

The contributed papers and posters will be presented in parallel special sessions during the days of the conference and there will be a technical exhibition displaying the latest acoustics products.  In addition there will be social events and a banquet that of course will feature the Tango as well as spectacular Argentinian food!

To participate in the ICA2016  make sure you register now at the website http://www.ica2016.org.ar/

Buenos Aires looks forward to welcoming you!!

Jorge Patricio

ICA 2016, President

Nilda Vechiatti 

ICA 2016, Secretary General